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How Wide is the IT Labor Shortage?
The debate over whether there are sizeable IT labor shortages in the United States is challenging and complex. There has…
Tech Helps Injured Vets Bounce Back
The Department of Defense announced April 5 that a total of 36,082 members of the U.S. military had been wounded…
10 Tips for Recruiting and Retaining IT Pros
In a recent survey, 24 percent of CIOs polled by Robert Half Technology said finding skilled IT professionals is their…
Are Companies Skirting H1-B Visa Rules?
On April 1, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ office will be hit with an avalanche of H-1B visa applications…
IT Skills Shortage: Myth or Reality?
Over the last several years a number of IT industry executives and analysts have consistently promoted the idea that there…
Are Gen Y-ers Greedy or Just Different?
They may be a whiz with the computer and brimming with confidence, but would you give "Generation Y" a job…
Black IT Employment Reaches a Post-Internet-Bust High
Employment among African-American IT professionals rose by 10.3 percent in 2007, reaching levels not seen since the Internet boom. Still,…
Damn the Economy! IT Employment Rises to New Heights
Unemployment among business-technology professionals has fallen to a decade low as the size of the IT workforce has risen to…
7 Ways to Keep IT Staff Happy
Most bosses don’t believe there is a magic pill for keeping their employees content, but their efforts are often off…
The 8 Hottest IT Management Jobs Today and Into 2008