Cyber-Monday Shopping at Work

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Nearly half (48 percent) of the 1,400 CIOs polled in a
survey from staffing and research firm Robert Half Technology say they are
blocking access to online shopping sites. For those that do not block access,
34 percent are monitoring for heavy use.

When asked how many weekly hours they expect
workers to shop online while at work during the holidays, the average response was 3
hours. Only 14 percent of CIOs surveyed say they allow employees unrestricted access to shopping sites.

Beyond productivity concerns, security is a major issue for enterprises concerned about online shopping at work. One bad link that infiltrates a company device or computer could
lead to identity theft or propagation of a worm, virus or other, more dangerous

More than half of
638 respondents in an October ISACA survey on online shopping say they click
on e-mailed links, provide work e-mail addresses to shopping sites (28 percent)
and click on shopping links on social networking sites (19 percent). When it
comes to mobile devices, ISACA finds 47 percent of workers will use company
devices to shop online.

For more, read the eWeek article Cyber-Monday Shopping at Work Closely Monitored or Blocked.

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