What IT Staff Worry About Most

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What IT Staff Worry About Most

1-Biggest Information Security NightmareBiggest Information Security Nightmare

34% respondents say external data breaches for financial gain are their worst nightmare. Meanwhile, 31% say failing an audit is their greatest nightmare.

2-Greatest Risk to EnterpriseGreatest Risk to Enterprise

17% say employee misuse presented their greatest risk, 16% name application vulnerabilities and 14% cite malware.

3-Types of Information Stored on Mobile DevicesTypes of Information Stored on Mobile Devices

Corporate email: 82%, Business contacts: 77%, Corporate information available through business apps: 43%

4-Time to Find Cause of BeachTime to Find Cause of Beach

Longer than a month: 6%, Within a month: 23%, Within a week: 32%, Within a day: 14%

5-Systems Monitored in Real-TimeSystems Monitored in Real-Time

37% of respondents say 75% to 100% of switches, firewalls, servers, security appliances and applications are monitored in real-time. And 35% say less than 25% of desktops and laptops are monitored in real-time.

6-Mobile Devices Monitored in Real-TimeMobile Devices Monitored in Real-Time

52% say less than 25% of mobile phones and tablets are monitored in real-time. Only 9% monitor 75% to 100% of mobile devices in real-time. And 29% don’t know the status of their real-time monitoring.

7-Information Risk StrategyInformation Risk Strategy

Almost three quarters (74%) have implemented an information risk strategy.

8-Preparedness for Cyber-Security LeaksPreparedness for Cyber-Security Leaks

21% say they are very prepared and 59% are somewhat prepared.

9-Preparedness of Security DepartmentPreparedness of Security Department

27% say their department is very experienced and prepared and 57% say their security department is somewhat experienced and prepared.

10-Top Five Regulations or Best Practices ImplementedTop Five Regulations or Best Practices Implemented

ISO: 36%, ITIL: 35%, HIPPA/high tech: 28%, SANDS Critical Security Controls: 23%, NIST 800-53: 23%

11-Top Three Largest Challenges to Demonstrating ComplianceTop Three Largest Challenges to Demonstrating Compliance

Measuring and reporting compliance: 31%, Automating IT controls: 24%, Identifying a noncompliant system: 14%

12-IT Security Department StaffingIT Security Department Staffing

23% say they have just the right amount of people, but a whopping 67% say their IT security department is inadequately staffed.

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