Steady Growth Projected for Global Security Market

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Steady Growth Projected for Global Security Market

Steady Growth of GVSMSteady Growth of GVSM

The compound annual growth rate of the global security and vulnerability management market (GVSM) will be 9% through 2016, according to the TechNavio report.

Multiple OSs ResponsibleMultiple OSs Responsible

A major factor contributing to the market’s growth is the increasing use of diverse operating systems.

The Rise of BYODThe Rise of BYOD

Mobile devices at work are also affecting the GSVM market, but open source solutions may challenge its growth.

GSVM RevenuesGSVM Revenues

In 2012, U.S. revenues were $4.1 billion and are projected to reach $5.9 billion by 2016.

Americas Lead GSVM Market ShareAmericas Lead GSVM Market Share

The Americas led in terms of market share with 44% in 2012, followed by Europe, the Middle East and Africa with 30%. The Asia and Pacific market share is 26%.

Projected Market Share in 2016Projected Market Share in 2016

The Americas are projected to lose about 4% market share and drop to 40%, the European and Middle East markets will remain almost the same at 32%, and the Asian and Pacific markets will increase by less than 3% to 28%.

Key GSVM Market DriversKey GSVM Market Drivers

The top drivers include increases in complexity in enterprise ISs, the demand for software applications and awareness of security issues and threats.

Top GSVM Market ChallengesTop GSVM Market Challenges

The key GSVM market challenges include expensive security solutions and increased competition among vendors.

New Technologies Drive GSVMNew Technologies Drive GSVM

In addition to BYOD in the workplace, important market trends include increased virtualization and cloud computing, next-generation LTE wireless networks, and increased information flow across networks.

IBM Has Largest Market ShareIBM Has Largest Market Share

The five top vendors cottrol 32% of the market. They are: IBM Corp., 11%, Hewlett-Packard, 9%, EMC Corp., 5%, Symantec, 3%, McAfee, 3%

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