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5 Hot Tech Stories + Why CIOs Should Care
iPhone 4 may have lost some consumer hearts and minds after the blame game that’s going on between Apple and…
Information Security: Connecting The Dots
Cisco announced in late June that it has partnered with some of the security industry’s vendors to bring comprehensive security…
HP Debuts New Security Solutions for Physical, Virtual Environments
The HP TippingPoint Secure Virtualization Framework (SVF) is a suite of products designed to help prevent network threats from impacting…
Digital Fingerprints Track Malware Authors
In a presentation at July’s Black Hat security conference, HBGary CEO Greg Hoglund will talk about how to use what…
600,000 Apple iPhone 4 Preorders Crashed System
Apple became a victim of its own success June 15, when an unexpected 600,000 pre-orders for its iPhone 4 managed…
Other Users’ Accounts Visible During iPhone 4 Preorders
AT&T is investigating reports that some customers were shown other people’s data when they logged into their AT&T account to…