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FBI Indicts Alleged LulzSec Hacker for Attack on Sony Network
Another reputed member of the LulzSec hacking crew has been charged with a 2011 attack on the computer network of…
McAfee Offers New Privacy Protection to Android Device Users
McAfee is expanding its mobile security solution with privacy features to protect Android tablet and smartphone users from apps that…
Crisis Virus Infects Windows, Macs and Virtual Machines
A computer virus that aims to infect Windows machines and steal data can also opportunistically infect Apple’s Mac OS X…
IT Security Unprepared for Targeted Attacks
Businesses are ill-prepared to detect and stop advanced, targeted security attacks , according to a survey of information security executives…
U.S., China Talks Address Cyber-Weapons, Not Cyber-Spying
The United States and China have participated in informal bilateral discussions about restricting the use of online attacks, better crisis…
Oracle Fixes Database Security Flaw Revealed at Black Hat
Oracle has issued a fix for a security weakness in its database product that was disclosed at the Black Hat…