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Mobile QA Testing Rises, Especially for Security
Mobile QA Testing Rises, Especially for Security Mobile Testing Lags This year, 37% of organizations that test mobile applications acknowledged…
Defending Your Company’s Reputation in Cyberspace
By Steve Durbin Understanding security threats is essential to enterprise risk management. One of the key things I regularly hear…
What IT Staff Worry About Most
What IT Staff Worry About Most Biggest Information Security Nightmare 34% respondents say external data breaches for financial gain are…
Former CIA Director Warns of ‘Cyber-Pearl Harbor’
By Michael Vizard Unless private industry is allowed to work more collaboratively on IT security with the government, the prospect…
Android: Top Three Malware Threats and Solutions
Android Threats and Solutions Malware Threats to Mobile Operating Systems in 2012 Android: 79%, Symbian: 19%, iOS: 0.7%, Others: 0.7%,…
Risk-Based Security Management Needs Improvement
Risk-Based Security Time Is of the Essence When it comes to compliance, the most important metric for IT professionals is…
Security Intelligence Services Ramp Up
By Michael Vizard The problem with anything relating to security is that it’s hard to justify exactly what the appropriate…
Why Unsecured USB Drives Are Dangerous
Savvy CIOs have policies in place to protect their networks against infected USB flash drives. That’s because most IT professionals…
The Time for Sharing Cyber-Threat Data is Now
By Tony Kontzer While controversy has long swirled around the proposed Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Information Act that was recently…
Lockdown: Protecting the Corporate Network
By Peter High IN SUMMARY: WHO: David Fike, Chief Technology Officer, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. WHAT: Sharing his perspectives…