Known and Unknown Malware Continues to Grow
A new study reveals 48 times more malware downloads this year compared to last year.
Last year, 106 unknown malware variants hit an organization every hour. That’s 48 times more than the 2.2 downloads per hour reported in 2013.
Cyber-criminals continue to use bots to amplify and accelerate the spread of malware. 83% of organizations studied were infected with bots in 2014, enabling constant communication and data sharing between bots and command-and-control servers.
Mobile devices provide easier direct access to more valuable organizational assets than any other intrusion point.
An organization that has more than 2,000 devices on its network has a 50% chance of at least six infected or targeted mobile devices on that network.
72% of IT providers agree that their top mobile security challenge is to secure corporate information.
67% of respondents said the second biggest challenge is managing personal devices that store both corporate and personal data.
Applications become points of entry, rendering businesses vulnerable. Some, like file sharing, are obviously risky. The rise of shadow IT and applications that central IT does not sponsor or support have all led to even riskier business.
96% of organizations studied used at least one high-risk application in 2014, a 10-point increase from 2013. 12.7 high-risk application events occur every hour.
81% of participating organizations suffered a data loss incident, up 41% from 2013. While most security strategies focus on protecting data from hackers who enter from the outside, it’s equally important to protect data from the inside.