How to Use Threat Intelligence Intelligently
The smart use of intelligence sharing could minimize the impact of cyber-attacks, but a lack of trust often inhibits organizations from benefiting from intelligence sharing.
64% of respondents said they believe threat intelligence could have prevented or minimized consequences of cyber-attacks they experienced in the last 24 months. In 2014, the percent was 61%.
75% of respondents believe exchanging threat intelligence improves their security posture. 63% say it’s good for the United States’ critical infrastructure.
Timeliness makes threat intelligence the most actionable. Next comes the ability to prioritize and the trustworthiness of the source.
Although 89% of respondents believe threat intelligence has a shelf-life of hours or less, 79% refresh their data in daily or longer increments.
The biggest source of threat intelligence is resources, yet 46% of respondents say they cannot prioritize threats. 39% have no confidence in free sources and 35% also say these resources offer no context.
The main inhibitors for exchanging threat intelligence are liability issues, lack of trust in sources and lack of resources.
Silos are a major barrier to effective collaboration. Centralizing control over the exchange of threat intelligence is rising and might address the silo problem.
65% of respondents say intelligence is most often shared through informal peer-to-peer exchanges, an increase from 57% in last year’s study. Use of vendor threat exchange services has decreased year-over-year from 53% to 45% of respondents who rely on vendors.
More respondents use and provide threat intelligence, in nearly equal proportion, compared to last year—42% versus 36%.
The main sources of threat intelligence continue to be IT security vendors and peers in other companies. Law enforcement and government officials as sources remain low and have even decreased since last year.
63% of respondents receive threat intelligence through data feeds, 59% get it through peer group discussion on the phone, email or in person. 51% get it from threat advisories.