Sun’s Still on Fire

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Buoyed by a second quarter that saw gains in server and storage revenue—including more than $100 million in sales of its “Niagara”-based systems—Sun Microsystems is returning to Wall Street Sept. 13 to stake its claim as a top solutions company.

In New York, Sun will unveil upgrades to its low-end SPARC systems as well as blade servers for the telecommunications industry powered by the multicore UltraSPARC T1 chip, formerly code-named Niagara.

But more than that, the Santa Clara, Calif., company is looking to pitch to the financial services industry—among the largest of Sun’s customer segments—the idea that it is on its way back, after several disappointing years, with solid road maps of innovative systems and storage products tied together by the Solaris operating system.

“Those are companies that make their living on the basis of technology advantage, so our technology and our road map delivers a competitive advantage to those folks,” Sun President and CEO Jonathan Schwartz said in an interview. “The message is going to be a very simple one, which is we’re still listening. We’re there to give folks an update on the innovation and the technology road map.”

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