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H1-B Visas Shouldn’t Become a Political Weapon
Over the last few years, the controversy over foreign labor, skill shortages and visas has reached a fevered pitch. Finally,…
How ITSM Can Fast-Forward the Tech Transformation
How ITSM Can Fast-Forward the Tech Transformation How ITSM Can Fast-Forward the Tech Transformation Companies are struggling to keep up…
Why Adaptability Is Critical for State CIOs
Why Adaptability Is Critical for State CIOs Why Adaptability Is Critical for State CIOs State government CIOs must constantly redefine…
How State Governments Struggle With Cyber-threats
How State Governments Struggle With Cyber-threats How State Governments Struggle With Cyber-threats State governments often have trouble hiring staffers with…
CIO at Ed Tech Company Leads the Way to the Cloud
Ellucian is an education technology company that has been in business for more than 40 years. It serves 2,400 institutions…
In Government IT, Innovators Are Gaining Ground
When one thinks of agility, innovation and cutting-edge technology, it’s understandable if Government IT isn’t the first term that comes…
Why SMBs Expect More From Their Service Providers
Why SMBs Expect More From Their Service Providers Why SMBs Expect More From Their Service Providers IT can instill confusion…
How Wearables Support New Year’s Resolutions
By D.P. Morrissey The New Year’s resolution: Embraced by some, discarded by many, dreaded by nearly all. As human beings,…
NY Philharmonic’s Archives Strike the Right Note
Digital archives provide a statement about an organization’s reverence for the past as it keeps an eye toward the future.…