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How Intel Stays Ahead of Data Center Demands
SAN FRANCISCO — Intel’s new data center group general manager, Diane Bryant, served as the company’s CIO for four years,…
Android 4.0 Coming to Verizon 4G LTE Devices
Verizon Wireless March 6 published a list of smartphones and tablets that will get the Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) Android 4.0, or…
New 4G iPad Unveiled With Retina Display, Revamped Apps
Apple’s new iPad includes a high-resolution Retina Display, a new A5X processor with quad-core graphics, and a 5-megapixel rear camera…
Cloud Adoption Rises Among Small Businesses: Dell
Results from a survey conducted by Dell Cloud Business Applications and Techaisle show adoption of cloud business applications is on…
Cloud Computing Use Will Double by 2015, IBM Predicts
LAS VEGAS–A recent IBM study showed that the number of enterprises turning to cloud computing is expected to double by…
IBM Takes Watson Supercomputer to the Bank
With health care as the first major vertical market IBM has taken its Watson question-answering technology to, Big Blue has…
IBM Building Smarter System for Louvre Museum
LAS VEGAS–IBM announced that it is working with the Louvre Museum to deliver an intelligent management system based on Big…