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Windows 8, Ultrabooks Could Boost PC Sales: IDC
The PC market should expect no miracles this year, research firm IDC shared in a June 19 report. Pointing to…
Is Microsoft’s Surface Tablet a True Enterprise Alternative to the iPad?
Here at eWEEK, we knew it would happen. Microsoft was going to announce a new tablet June 18, and it…
Sandia Opens Cybersecurity Technologies Research Laboratory
Sandia National Laboratories, a multi-program laboratory operated by Lockheed Martin subsidiary Sandia Corp., opened the Cybersecurity Technologies Research Laboratory (CTRL),…
Microsoft Introduces Surface Tablet PC
Microsoft clearly copied its secrecy-in-product-launch approach from Apple, but the new Windows tablet PC it launched June 18 to compete…
Apple’s 13-Inch MacBook Pro to Get Retina Display: Report
The seemingly unquenchable thirst for unsubstantiated news concerning Apple products rasps on today with two separate reports predicting Apple’s 13-inch…