Managers, Workers Disagree on Performance

Deborah Rothberg Avatar

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You might want to sit down for this one. According to a survey released Sept. 20 by the New York-based Hudson Index, many bosses don’t have a clue about how their employees feel about their managerial skills.

According to the results, 92 percent of managers consider themselves to be good or excellent bosses, but only 67 percent of employees agree.

In fact, 10 percent of workers think their bosses are doing an awful job. Managers, however, were less critical of their boss’ performance, with 73 percent indicating they are doing an excellent job, versus 63 percent of non-managers.

The survey also revealed that many bosses may not have a clue about how their employees feel about their managerial skills, as only 26 percent of the workforce is given the opportunity to formally review their manager’s performance. Of these, 73 percent believe their feedback is taken seriously.

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