Lancope Boosts StealthWatch Network Analysis Suite With Application Awareness

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Lancope updated its StealthWatch network behavioral analysis

platform with application awareness and visualization tools to help IT managers

detect and address network problems.

The new StealthWatch platform can analyze up to 1.5 million

flows per second, according to Lancope. It features granular application

awareness, flexible grouping of network assets and relational mapping for

network visualization, Lancope said.

StealthWatch 6.0, announced Feb. 7, collects and analyzes network

data flows and other traffic data to give IT teams end-to-end network

visibility and greater forensic intelligence to identify anomalous activity,

such as traffic spikes, botnet activity and performance degradation, Mike

Potts, president and CEO of Lancope, told eWEEK. StealthWatch represented an “intersection of

network and security,” Potts said, as the platform examines flow data to

identify both network and security issues. Managers can’t identify the problem

if they can’t figure out what’s wrong with the environment, he said.

“Remediation comes later. The first step is to focus on

what’s happening with the network or application,” said Potts. Stealthwatch reduces

the time from problem onset to resolution, he said.

For more, read the eWeek article: Lancope Adds Application Awareness to StealthWatch Network Analysis Suite.

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