The Quote: “The things that are wrong with the Web today are due to this lack of curiosity in the computing profession.”
Who Said It: Alan Kay, president of Viewpoints Research Institute, a not-for-profit corporation aimed at improving education for the world’s children and to advance the state of systems research and personal computing. Kay, an early developer of the PC, also is the inventor of object-oriented programming, the graphical user interface, 3D comoutergraphics and ARPANET, the predecessor of the Internet.
In Context: In an interview with CIO Insight earlier this year, Kay said the computing profession acts as if there isn’t anything to learn from the past. “It’s very characteristic of a pop culture. Pop culture lives in the present; it doesn’t really live inthe future or want to know about great ideas of the past.”
Find Out More: Alan Kay: The PC Must Be Revamped—Now