Employees Frequently Indulge in Tech Distractions

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Employees Frequently Indulge in Tech Distractions


82% of survey respondents say they check personal email during work hours, and three-quarters will do so at least weekly.

Private DiscussionsPrivate Discussions

84% take personal calls while on the job, and three of five do so no less than once a week.

Social GadfliesSocial Gadflies

52% post to their social media accounts during business hours, and more than one-third will do this at least once a week.

Play TimePlay Time

45% play games while on the job, and more than one-third do so at least every week.

Generation Gap, Part IGeneration Gap, Part I

77% of those under age 45 will text on a mobile device while at work at least weekly, compared to 55% of those 45 or older.

Generation Gap, Part IIGeneration Gap, Part II

49% of those under 35 while post to social media while on the clock, as opposed to just 28% of those 35 or older.

Professional LiabilityProfessional Liability

Of those who post on social media during the work day, 51% say it hurts their productivity a little and nearly one-third say it hurts productivity a lot or “a fair amount.”

Game PenaltyGame Penalty

Of those who play games while they’re supposed to be working, 51% say it hurts productivity at least a little and more than three in 10say it hurts a fair amount or a lot.

Conversation StopperConversation Stopper

Of those who take personal calls during the day, 44% say it hurts productivity at least a little and 17% say it hurts a fair amount or a lot.

Best Practices for Team Leaders and the Personal Use of Tech: Set ExpectationsBest Practices for Team Leaders and the Personal Use of Tech: Set Expectations

Don’t pretend that tech distractions aren’t happening. Acknowledge that they are, and set fair guidelines to establish expectations for these practices.

Best Practices for Team Leaders and the Personal Use of Tech: Focus on ResultsBest Practices for Team Leaders and the Personal Use of Tech: Focus on Results

Foster a goal-driven culture that allows proven performers some slack on their use of devices for personal time while at work.

Best Practices for Team Leaders and the Personal Use of Tech: Improve Your CultureBest Practices for Team Leaders and the Personal Use of Tech: Improve Your Culture

When the workplace is dreary, staffers seek out device distractions. If tasks are rewarding or challenging and the culture is appealing, they’re less inclined to do so.

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