Consumers Hold Organizations Accountable for Security Breaches

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Consumers are increasingly willing to take action against organizations if their personal information is ever compromised by a security breach, Unisys found.

More than 10,000 people in 12 countries, including 1,000 from the United States, were surveyed by Lieberman Researcher Group and Newspoll in the latest Unisys Security Index, released Nov. 2. While there were some variations between countries, the overall trends of consumers punishing organizations for breaches by closing accounts or taking legal action was consistent across all 12 countries, according to Unisys.

About 87 percent said they’d change the password protecting the account with the organization after a breach while 76 percent they would close the account altogether. More than half, or about 53 percent, of the respondents said they’re willing to sue the organization after the data was compromise. Nearly 65 percent of the respondents said they would publicly expose a company for not safeguarding personal data in the event of a breach.

"In a world where communities such as Facebook and Twitter provide the opportunity to instantly broadcast dissatisfaction to a broad audience, this threat seems more real than ever before," Unisys said.

Legal action is becoming more common. A class-action lawsuit was filed against Sony after attackers breached the entertainment giant’s various cloud services, including PlayStation Network, Qriocity and Sony Online Entertainment. The U.S. Department of Defense was hit with a $4.9 billion class-action lawsuit after computer backup tapes containing the personal information of nearly 5 million current and former U.S. soldiers was stolen from health care data provider Tricare.

The publicity around the high-profile attacks and the dissemination of private data by hacker groups over the past year have "elevated the concern" consumers feel about safeguarding their identity, Steve Vinsik, global security solutions leader at Unisys, said in a video released in conjunction with the survey results.

Consumers are "more willing than ever to take stringent security measures," whether it’s highly complex passwords or biometrics to secure their data online, Vinsik said, adding that it was "incumbent" upon organizations to come up with something that is easy to use but makes them more secure.

More than half the respondents in the United States said they are willing to provide biometric data, such as facial recognition and fingerprints, to secure their identity information online. Over 59 percent said they would be willing to use biometrics at airport security checkpoints or when conducting transactions with the bank or other financial institutions. The number dipped slightly to 53 percent for users willing to use biometrics in order to receive benefits or services from government agencies, according to the Security Index.

To read the original eWeek article, click here: Consumers Concerned About Data Security, Hold Organizations Accountable

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