Book Brief: Search Engine Marketing, Inc.

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Search Engine Marketing, Inc.: Driving Search Traffic to Your Company’s Web Site

By Mike Moran and Bill Hunt

Prentice Hall PTR, July 2005

560 pages, $49.99

Well, they are nothing if not methodical. Moran, a “distinguished engineer and manager of site architecture” at IBM Corp., and Hunt, president and CEO of Global Strategies International, a marketing firm, set out to cover every single question you might have about anything even vaguely related to having your ad pop up when someone uses a search engine such as Google. And they darn well succeed. The problem, however, is that by giving you so much minutiae, from the background on the founders of Yahoo! to how to “audit your landing page,” they distract from what you need to do and how to do it. Managers hoping to figure out ways to boost sales quickly are going to be frustrated.

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