11 Qualities of Great Digital Team Members

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11 Qualities of Great Digital Team Members

An Eclectic PortfolioAn Eclectic Portfolio

No tunnel vision allowed. A great digital team member combines capabilities related to tech, content, marketing and science.

No Fear of Making MistakesNo Fear of Making Mistakes

They understand that mistakes are the outcomes of innovation—and don’t seek to point fingers when they happen.

A Mind for MetricsA Mind for Metrics

You want employees who constantly follow up on projects to validate whether they increase sales or efficiencies.

A Realization That Nothing of Value is Ever DoneA Realization That Nothing of Value is Ever Done

In the old days, projects came with finite time scales. In the digital age, it’s all about continuous improvement of something that’s already good.

A User's PerspectiveA User’s Perspective

It’s better to not think like a techie when evaluating the user experience through various scenario drills.

Collaborative ExcellenceCollaborative Excellence

That means working with members of other departments (especially the business side), in addition to their digital team colleagues.

An Eye for DesignAn Eye for Design

A devotion to design planning—with a great command of attention to detail—will greatly enhance user experience impact.

A Sense of Ease With the UnknownA Sense of Ease With the Unknown

Top digital-team performers thrive amid uncertainty and make smart, agile decisions based upon limited information.

Doing the Little Things That MatterDoing the Little Things That Matter

That means aggressively promoting what the team is doing via social networks, and sharing great industry resources, such as blogs and white papers, to educate coworkers.

Software Project ExperienceSoftware Project Experience

Because dealing with the associated pain points will thicken the skin.

A History With Client and Stakeholder RelationsA History With Client and Stakeholder Relations

It takes a highly focused, organized person to effectively respond to clients and stakeholders during crunch time.

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