10 Things You Should Know Before Buying iPhone 4

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The iPhone 4 is scheduled to hit store shelves on June 24. But before that happens, customers will need to evaluate if Apple’s new device is really for them. Take a look at 10 things worth considering before deciding if the iPhone 4 is really the right purchase.

If consumers wanted to be able to use their fingers to control the device and have access to an App Store to extend its functionality, the iPhone was the way to go. But today, with stiff competition from Google, HTC, RIM and so many other major players in the mobile market, consumers have many more alternatives to choose from.

Realizing that, it’s important for customers to be as informed as possible before they head out to the store on June 24 and pick up an iPhone 4. That means that they should evaluate alternatives, realize that the iPhone 4 has some shortcomings, and determine if some future products that will be hitting store shelves later this year might attract them more than those devices that are already available. These are some things that customers need to know before they pick up an iPhone 4.


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