Verizon 4G LTE Plans

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Verizon President Lowell McAdam revealed the details of the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE roll out for 2010 at a CTIA press conference in San Francisco on Oct. 6. McAdam noted that the initial deployment of LTE would take place in 38 cities, which is an increase from the previously announced 30 cities.

He also said that LTE would come to 60 commercial airports, including airports that are in cities that aren’t getting LTE this early. Verizon released a complete list of cities and airports to receive LTE service.

McAdam also said that more cities could be added to the list soon, including West Lafayette, Indiana, home of Purdue University which is building a digital campus. Detroit could also become part of the rollout, but according to McAdam, Verizon Wireless needs to iron out some issues with cross-border interference because if the proximity with Windsor, Ontario.

McAdam declined to be specific about which devices would be the first to appear with Verizon Wireless’ LTE, except to say that the first products this year would be USB Aircards. He said that the smart phones and tablets that are planned for 4G service would come from "mainstream manufacturers." But he would not confirm whether a number of devices, about which there is intense speculation including the iPhone and iPad, would be among them. He said that this announcement would come during CES in January.

For more, read the eWeek article Verizon Wireless Confirms Broad LTE Rollout for 2010.

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