Tablets: Popular But Not So Productive

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Tablets: Popular But Not So Productive

1-Tablets and ProductivityTablets and Productivity

Tablets are fun and useful, but when it comes to increasing productivity, just 17% of business employees say their productivity increases from the use of tablets like Apple’s iPad.

2-How Effective Is A Laptop?How Effective Is A Laptop?

A surprisingly high number of employees—68%—say that a laptop is “totally effective” at making them more productive in the office.

3-The Surprisingly Popular SmartphoneThe Surprisingly Popular Smartphone

And 38% of employees saying their smartphone is “totally effective” at increasing their productivity.

4-Tablets: Useful But LimitedTablets: Useful But Limited

Just 20% of workers say that tablets “totally effective” at making them more productive, a relatively low number.

5-Desktops Outrank TabletsDesktops Outrank Tablets

They might not be mobile, and they might lack the flair of tablets, but desktops are viewed as more effective at increasing productivity than tablets, according to 27% of employees.

6-Laptops: A Constant Office CompanionLaptops: A Constant Office Companion

When it comes to tech usage in the office, 94% of people say that they use their laptops at least twice per work week. Nearly 90% of employees use their laptops each day.

7-Hard-Working SmartphonesHard-Working Smartphones

90% of employees use their smartphone at least twice during the work week. Separately, a majority of employees—85%—use a smartphone each day for work.

8-Tablets: Popular But Used Less OftenTablets: Popular But Used Less Often

Despite their popularity in the consumer space, just 52% of employees say that they use a tablet at least two times in a regular work week. And only 31% of people use a tablet each day in the office.

9-The Most Popular Software Is…The Most Popular Software Is…

A whopping 91% of employees say they use calendaring each day of the week, substantially higher than the 61% of folks who use productivity software, such as Microsoft’s Office and Apple’s iWork.