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Mobile Device Battles Heat Up
Some summers bring about few major stories in the tech industry. Professionals go on vacation and companies wait for the…
New Motorola Droid X Sells Out
The Droid X is becoming tougher to get than was anticipated by its maker Motorola or its carrier Verizon Wireless;…
Five Tech Trends That Will Impact Your Business
As the key technology decision-maker in the enterprise, the CIO needs to know what is coming, what does not work…
Nokia Siemens to Acquire Motorola Network Biz: Benefits Revealed
The move by Motorola, announced July 19, 2010, to sells its wireless network equipment business to Nokia Siemens sense. Until…
Five Tech Trends Worth Watching
For CIOs, the bottom line in every technology decision (whether personal or for the enterprise) lies in determining the ROI…
New York City’s IT Roadmap
Carole Post, Commissioner of New York City’s Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DoITT), did the unthinkable. She faced a…
Consumer Reports: With Accessory, iPhone Antenna Works
Consumer Reports engineers have found that Apple’s iPhone 4, when used with a rubber “bumper” that Apple sells for $29,…
5 Hot Tech Stories + Why CIOs Should Care
iPhone 4 may have lost some consumer hearts and minds after the blame game that’s going on between Apple and…
An Old Enemy Resurfaces, Windows 8 Leaks, Kin’s Demise
First came the appearance of an old enemy: in its patent-infringement lawsuit against Microsoft, has retained David Boies, who…