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iPads, iPhones for Business: Try the Cloud
SANTA CLARA, Calif. — If you and your company are interested in using iPads and iPhones instead of BlackBerrys or…
Hot Topics: Koobface Worm, White iPhone, More
Apple’s Mac OS was targeted by the social network malware Koobface, raising anew enterprise security fears when it comes to…
PayPal: Mobile Payment in the Spotlight
PayPal announced new mobile technologies and business relationships that will change the way people shop and pay. The announcements were…
Hot Topics: Tablets are Coming, Ozzie is Going
Samsung announced that it will offer its iPad competitor, the Galaxy Tab, beginning in November. It’s the first of the…
Apple’s Jobs, RIM’s Balsille in War of Words
Apple CEO Steve Jobs attacked BlackBerry maker Research In Motion during his company’s Oct. 18 earnings call. Now the Canadians…
BlackBerry PlayBook: a First Look
Research in Motion (RIM) gave attendees at the Gartner Symposium/IT Expo 2010 a first look at its new 7-inch PlayBook…
Apple’s Steve Jobs Attacks Google, RIM During Earnings Call
Apple CEO Steve Jobs made an uncharacteristic appearance on his company’s quarterly earnings call Oct. 18, offering attacks on both…
ATandT iPad: Targeting Enterprises
Seeking to defend its mobile computing turf against Verizon Wireless, AT&T Oct. 15 pledged to sell the iPad models with…