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Samsung’s 2 Million Galaxy Tabs Shipped May Not Have Wound Up in Hands of Consumers
Samsung’s Galaxy Tab isn’t selling quite as well as the company and media have initially portrayed, a company official acknowledged.…
Android 3.0 Honeycomb Gives Apple iPad Competition
Apple CEO Steve Jobs famously (or infamously, depending on your point of view) lashed out against Google Android tablets during…
Analysts Say Samsung May Give Apple Some Real Competition
This week, smartphone giants Nokia, Motorola Mobility and Samsung posted fourth-quarter earnings that, each in its own way, reflected the…
Intel Labs Plans $100M University Research Investment
Intel plans to invest $100 million directly into U.S. university research over the next five years to drive innovations in…
Apple iOS, iPad, Android: Enterprise Mobility Adoption Accelerates
The trend of personal smartphones infiltrating the workplace is being led by Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android smartphone platforms, according…
RIM’s PlayBook Lags Behind iPad Despite Developer Interest: Survey
Developers are increasingly interested in Research In Motion’s upcoming PlayBook platform, at least according to new survey data posted by…
One Quarter of Tablet Sales in 2011 Will Be to Enterprises: Deloitte
More than 25 percent of all tablet computers will be purchased by enterprises, an incredible figure for a market that…