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Intel Earnings Strong on Growth of Mobile Market, Cloud Computing
Despite a challenging first quarter and weakening consumer demand, strong business spending and emerging markets are driving demand for Intel’s…
Co-Founder Allen Says Microsoft Windows 7 Phone Needs to Win
Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen’s new memoir, “Idea Man,” is more than an account of the company’s early days, or even…
Apple Sues Samsung for iPad, iPhone Patent Infringement
With Apple’s patent-infringement case against HTC underway in an International Trade Commission (ITC) court, the iPhone maker has filed a…
AMD, Intel Primed to Challenge ARM in Smartphone, Tablet Markets
Anyone with questions about why Intel and Advanced Micro Devices are looking to expand into the tablet and smartphone markets…
Gartner: Android Will Have 40% of Tablet Market
Compared with the meteoric rise of Apple’s iPad, tablet computers based on Google’s Android operating system have started slow out…
Intel Ready to Take on ARM With New Oak Trail Atom Platform
After more than a year of saber rattling, Intel officials have taken a significant step in their push into the…
Novell Launches Mono Development Tools for Android Platform
Novell has announced the availability of Mono for Android, the first solution for developing Microsoft .NET applications for the Android…
Motorola Xoom’s Weak Start Doesn’t Doom Android Tablet Market
Of all the tablets challenging iPad for market share, the Motorola Xoom was supposed to be the Ali to Cupertino’s…