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Is Google Wallet an Idea Ahead of Its Time?
Following the spectacular failure of the over-hyped Google Wave, executives for the search engine are painfully aware that just because…
Will ‘Mango’ Update Make Windows Phone 7 an iPhone, Android Competitor?
Will Microsoft’s upcoming software update for its Windows Phones, code-named “Mango,” affect the company’s smartphone prospects? Certainly Mango represents a…
Analyst: Amazon to Launch Android-Based Tablet in 2011 is aiming to release at least one tablet computer based on Google’s Android operating system in time for the…
Dell Streak Pro Tablet to Target Biz Users
When Dell launches the Streak Pro tablet, which will run Google’s Android 3.0 “Honeycomb” operating system, the device will join…
Harvard, Massachusetts General Collaborate on AIDS Research Via Web Conferencing
A web-based collaboration platform is being used to enable participants in the HOPE project to collaborate and share insight on…
Gartner: Android Smartphone Market Share Accelerates
Google’s (NASDAQ:GOOG) Android operating system accounted for 36.2 million smartphones sold worldwide in Q1 2011, according to research firm Gartner.…
Sophos Launches Mobile Control for Enterprise Mobile Device Management
Sophos has enhanced its security portfolio to provide “complete protection” for all endpoints, including mobile devices, desktops and laptops, regardless…
Windows Phone 7 ‘Mango’ Update Targets Business Useres
Late in 2010, Microsoft sought to position Windows Phone 7 as a consumer device–a smartphone sleek as the Apple iPhone…