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Cisco Offers a Wireless-Only Version of Its ISE
Cisco Systems officials in April introduced their Identity Services Engine, designed to help enterprises track visitors coming onto their corporate…
Americans Using Smartphones to Avoid Interacting With People: Pew Report
More than one-third of American adults own a smartphone of some kind, according to new survey data from the Pew…
After Google, Motorola Merger, Should Microsoft Buy Nokia or RIM?
Should Google’s acquisition of Motorola Mobility drive Microsoft to buy either Nokia or Research In Motion? That s the question…
Google, Motorola Deal: What’s it Mean for Android, Windows Phone?
Google’s (NASDAQ:GOOG) $12.5 billion acquisition of Motorola Mobility (NYSE:MMI) is a game-changer on several fronts, particularly in the patent arena.…
Google Agrees to Buy Motorola Mobility for $12.5 Billion
Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) stunned the high-tech world Aug. 15 with an offer to buy Motorola Mobility (NYSE:MMI) for $12.5 billion. The…
IBM Exec: The End of the PC Era Is Upon Us
IBM, already in the midst of celebrating its 100th anniversary, is about to hit another milestone: Aug. 12 marks the…
Hacker Attacks Blocked by Aruba Networks’ Military-Grade Wireless at Black Hat
Aruba Networks detected and contained more than 8,790 security events over the wireless networks it deployed for the annual Black…
Apple’s App Store Will Survive the Launch of Amazon’s Kindle Cloud Reader
Could Amazon’s Kindle Cloud Reader end up harming Apple’s App Store? That seems to be a favored topic of discussion…
Juniper Networks, AT&T Partner on Mobile Security Platform
AT&T customers will soon be able to take advantage of a mobile security platform designed to protect the data on…