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Hewlett-Packard Combines Personal Systems Group, Print Division
Six months into her tenure as CEO, Meg Whitman and the Hewlett-Packard board of directors who hired her made their…
Cisco Strives to Take the Pain Out of BYOD for IT
Cisco Systems is giving network administrators new tools to handle the flood of personal mobile devices that employees are using…
IBM Debuts New Predictive Analytics Software, Services
IBM (NYSE: IBM) has announced new consulting services and software that take the power of predictive analytics to new levels…
Business Analysts: Why The CIO’s Future Depends on Them
For years CIOs (or should I say, IT managers) were chastised for being too reactive, too technical, too tactical. In…
What Network Administrators Can Learn From March Madness
March Madness is in full swing, and it could impact your company’s network, whether you know it, like it or…
Hospitals Need to Invest More in IT Infrastructure: CDW
Hopes are high for technology to improve patient care, yet IT departments need to invest in the infrastructure required to…
Good Technology Launches Enterprise BYOD App for Kindle Fire
Following the launch of a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) study, Good Technology has announced a new application enabling enterprises to support a…
What’s Behind Dell’s Acquisition Madness?
One could describe Dell as acquisition-crazy and not be far off the mark. It has now captured two new companies…
Apple, Google Battle for Enterprise Hearts and Minds in BYOD Era
It’s no secret that Apple is racking up customers in the enterprise market, attracting more corporate users whose companies have…