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Gartner: IT Outsourcing Market Could Top 250 Billion in 2012
Driven by spending on cloud computing services, the worldwide market for IT outsourcing (ITO) is expected to reach $251.7 billion…
Moving Sensitive Data to Cloud Storage Can Put Businesses at Risk
More than eight in 10 businesses have moved or plan to move sensitive or confidential data to a cloud-based platform,…
What the Dropbox Password Breach Means for Cloud Security
The now well publicized Dropbox security breach was the result of two things that Dropbox could have foreseen, and could…
Dropbox Employee Password Theft Leads to Spam Campaign
Cloud-based storage provider Dropbox came clean with more details today about a security breach that led to a spamming campaign.…
Revised Cybersecurity Act of 2012 Again Goes Before U.S. Senate
A reworked version of a proposed and controversial federal cyber-security law is again going before the U.S. Senate, but this…