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Expert Voice: Etienne Wenger on Knowledge Management
Due Diligence: Merging Standards
The merger of Hewlett-Packard and Compaq Computer has created more hubbub than any merger in the history of the IT…
Editorial: May 2002
You have in your hands the first anniversary issue of CIO Insight. Its publication presents an opportunity to reflect on…
Expert Voice: Paul Saffo on Smart Sensors
Futurist Paul Saffo isn’t quite a household name in the way that Marshall McLuhan was in the 1960s, when he…
Editorial: April 2002
Much has been written over the years about the importance of leadership—setting a course and then rallying the troops, no…
Editorial: March 2002
When will cost-cutting stop being the IT issue? When the economy shows sufficient signs of recovery that companies begin spending…
Editorial: February 2002
Has there ever been a new technology that succeeded in gaining acceptance in the business world without a great deal…
Expert Voice: James Champy on Re-Engineering
The work people do needs to be redesigned—reengineered is what we call it—in terms of processes rather than tasks or…
Expert Voice: Creating the Renaissance CIO
When Peter Solvik came to Cisco Systems Inc. from Apple Computer Inc. in 1993, Cisco was a relatively new company,…
Editorial: January 2002
Since CIO Insight launched in May, every issue has included the results of a monthly poll (see “Confidence Meter“)in which…