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Leading Edge: Common Ground
My generation was indelibly marked by the Great Depression and World War II. They formed the crucible that determined who…
Due Diligence: The End of IT Growth
During the past two years, business has dramatically cut back on information technology spending, and next year is shaping up…
Editorial: November 2002
Sixty-five percent of the respondents to last month’s CIO Insight survey on cost management agreed with the statement that “the…
Expert Voice: Christopher Meyer on the Accelerating Enterprise
Christopher Meyer once described his job as “shining the headlights a little farther down the road,” meaning that, as vice…
Expert Voice: David Gelernter on Knowledge Management
It’s an old story: Researchers at Xerox Corp.’s Palo Alto Research Center developed the basic elements of the personal computer…
Editorial: October 2002
The ongoing challenge of information technology is to rethink, innovate and redesign the way we work with information, run our…
Editorial: September 2002
In the November issue of CIO Insight, two months after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the…