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Editorial: December 2003
Here’s an early taste of next month’s CIO Insight research study: Seventy-two percent of CIOs point to customer service as…
Expert Voices: C.K. Prahalad & Venkat Ramaswamy on CRM
Thanks to the rapid spread of cell phones and other mobile devices, Web sites and media channels, consumers now have…
Paul Tallon: The Alignment Paradox
With all that’s been written about the benefits of strategic alignment, it’s hard to believe IT alignment can sometimes fail…
Editorial: Alignment 2003
The days of tight budgets continue, and information technology executives at many companies still face a credibility gap when it…
Cathleen Benko: Best Intentions
The only sure way to understand where your company is headed is to figure out where your project portfolio is…
Editorial: November 2003
Bethany McLean and Peter Elkind’s The Smartest Guys in the Room, a real page-turner of a history on the rise…
Expert Voice: John Patrick on Weblogs
Web logs—or blogs as they are sometimes called—are Web pages filled with the thoughts and musings of people with opinions…