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A Vote of No Confidence
To hear Rebecca Mercuri tell it, the 2004 presidential election looks, from a certain vantage point, a lot like an…
John Parkinson: Mobilize Me!
I got my first cell phone back in 1989—it was a Motorola “brick” that cost more than $1,000—and I’ve probably…
Editorial: July 2004
Here’s a project for you: Take a look at the graphic (To download graphic click here). It’s a wiring diagram…
Eric Nee: Band of Gold
The U.S. is the world leader in any number of critical Information Age technologies, but in one significant area it…
Executive Briefs: July 2004
Due Diligence: Band of Gold By Eric Nee The U.S. consumer broadband market has reached a tipping point: Its growth…
Darwin John: Networked for Life
Among the practices that most helped me when I was a CIO was dividing my time according to what I…
John Parkinson: Live and Learn
My April column looked at the triple issues of productivity, automation and offshore labor markets and their likely impact on…
Time for a Redesign: Dr. Jakob Nielsen
Danish-born Dr. Jakob Nielsen, 46, who completed his doctorate in computer-human interaction at the Technical University of Denmark in 1988,…
To Have or Have Not
Why is it that some companies seem to get so much more out of their IT efforts than others? Do…
Warren Bennis: Google’s Growth Engine
Long before Google filed, in April, for its upcoming IPO, the Silicon Valley company had achieved something rare in business—it…