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Expert Voice: Pop-Up Lawsuits
The flurry of lawsuits pitting outdoor outfitter L.L. Bean Inc. against online marketer Claria Corp. and four of its (alleged)…
Eric Nee: Mind Your Own Business
The Federal government’s controversial airline passenger screening system, dubbed CAPPS II, is effectively dead, the victim of the government’s own…
Home Truths
Just how safe are we? CIO Insight posed that question to a pair of CIOs, each of whom play critical…
Think Locally, Act Globally: André Spatz, CIO of UNICEF
Think Locally, Act Globally
Editorial: August 2004
Jim Wall has what many CIOs might consider their dream job. He’s the manager of the engineering group at Hendrick…
Knowledge is Speed: Hendrick Motorsports Inc.’s Jim Wall