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Remediating Toxic Managers II: Better Solutions
In a previous column, I discussed how to identify toxic managers using tools from Jean Lipman-Blumen’s insightful book, “The Allure…
Finance CIO Keeps Auto Industry Rolling
The loan business is as essential to the automobile industry as advertising and assembly lines. As such, the finance arms…
Readers on Outsourcing Special: Kill the Messenger
Readers’ reaction to our March issue on outsourcing and globalization was swift. On the one hand, many readers wrote in…
Aussie Whirlwind Sweeps Through Government IT
A piece of butcher’s paper peppered with hand-scribbled adjectives hangs on the wall of Jane Treadwell’s office in downtown Canberra,…
Web Future is Not Semantic, Or Overly Orderly
For the last half-dozen years, Tim Berners-Lee has been steadfastly promoting a vision of what his baby—the World Wide Web—should…
Recognizing Toxic Management and Crushing It
With the job market a little healthier in most regions than it has been in four years, it’s time to…
Big Merger Turns NYSE from Prey to Predator
Within days of the dust settling from the SEC’s passage of the package of rules known as Regulation NMS, the…
What Does Reg NMS Mean for Stock Exchanges?
A set of rules called the Regulation National Market System intends to modernize and strengthen the markets for equity securities.…
Overcoming Monoculture: Keeping Ideas Alive
All human organizations tend to be self-amplifying. —Angus’ Eighth Law As I explained in the first part of this deconstruction…