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Companies Look for Ideas in All the Wrong Places
Despite the fears among experts that the U.S. is losing its competitive edge, when Eric von Hippel looks around him…
Tech Marketers Tout the Wrong Value
A few months ago I got one of those semi-spam e-mails from a market research company acting on behalf of…
Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Chase?
When JP Morgan Chase—the nation’s largest issuer of credit cards—announced last week that it was incorporating contactless payment capabilities in…
Why Offshoring Will Always Be a Novelty, Never a Valuable Strategy
In my last columnI explained the obvious, if mostly ignored, reason why so many significant development projects fail. At its…
Offshoring: The Self-Inflicted Wound
A cult of well-meaning but delusional academics has hijacked the consciousness of a lot of our peers. The cult is…
When Good Managers Fail: The Law of Problem Evolution
Good managers always want to get better and improve on their past. This is a natural law—that is, one with…
Is Vendor Obfuscation a Strategy?
As a longtime technology editor, I’ve seen my share of jargon from IT vendors, consultants, researchers and marketers. It never…
Successful CIOs Steer Business Growth
SAN FRANCISCO — Now that most IT budgets are growing again, CIOs are going to have to focus on delivering…
45 and Too Old to Work?
I wasn’t always a journalist. I spent years in IT doing everything from help desk (the horror! The horror!) to…