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Open Source, Open Market for Ideas
Why would a professional political scientist be interested in the open-source movement? For Steven Weber, a professor of political science…
Offshore the Managers? Readers Speak
Resolved: That offshoring technology executive and/or development management will benefit project effectiveness and organizational competitiveness. Two weeks back I describedwhy…
Thriving Through Dis-Automation, Part II
In my last column, I was telling you about Savage Beastand the Westergren/Glaser model. The model approaches automation issues by…
Round II: Readers Have More to Say About Carr’s “IT Revolution”
Nicholas Carr—who is notorious within IT circles for his 2002 article in the Harvard Business Review claiming that IT no…
Thriving by Dis-Automation
One particular segment of the IT population is driven by exuberance and other irrational motivations to automate everything; and they…
Making Staffs Creative, And Keeping Them That Way
Creativity is like love. The question is not how to get it, but how to make it stay. To be…
The U.S. is Too Hesitant to Accept Innovation
Contributing Editor Jeffrey Rothfeder recently traveled to Seoul, South Korea, to attend a conference and give a speech on RFID…
Wikipedia Founder Pitches Openness to Content Managers
Jimmy Wales used the simple database software known as a wiki to launch a kind of open-source knowledge project called…