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Teacher/Tech Vendor Group Pushes IT in Education
John Wilson is the executive director of the National Education Association, the 2.7 million-strong teachers union based in Washington, D.C.…
How to Manage Smart People
A confession: I am a knowledge worker. That means, according to Babson College professor Thomas Davenport, whom we interview in…
Good News: Only 85 Percent of Biz Books Are Bunk
One of the most acute business bloggers, Ethan “Effern” Johnson, who writes The Vision Thing, has written an entire series…
Biowarfare and Health IT: Spoiling Brand USA
Market-based solutions require a market. But this market need not be simply the average consumer. The Bill and Melinda Gates…
Clarke Warns of Corporate Risk in Identity Theft
Richard Clarke can’t avoid being controversial. After he released his scathing critique of the Bush administration’s anti-terrorism policy, “Against All…
Check: How to Verify if You are Important
How can you tell if information technology matters? Start by examining the role of the chief information officer. If the…
‘Leaders’ and Blarney: You Can Hear, But Don’t Listen
In my previous column, I explained how large organizations tend to accumulate people who believe that leadership is a critical…
Fulfilling (Almost) the Promise of the Web
It will come as no surprise to readers that the Web seems finally to have come into its own. As…