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Downsize Staffers, Not Staff?
If Global Warming, the H5N1 Virus, killer hurricanes, the possibility of Joe Lieberman’s running for president in 2008, and the…
Analysts: Oracle-IBM Integration May Shake Up Enterprise Apps World
SAN FRANCISCO—At Oracle’s OpenWorld user conference here on Monday, Charles Phillips, Oracle’s co-president, opened with a keynote address highlighting the…
Imagine if a Browser Could Stop Phishing at Your Company
Jaded old jerks like me who are skeptical of everything don’t need anti-phishing software. I don’t trust anyone, let alone…
Now Comes Oracle’s Real Challenge
I think anyone who has paid any attention to the enterprise applications space over the past four or five years…
Oracle Will Buy Siebel for $5.85 Billion
Database and business applications software developer Oracle Corp. announced Monday that it will acquire Siebel Systems Inc. for $10.66 per…
Premier Bankcard Data-Filters Net 3X Project Payback
Few companies know better than Premier Bankcard Inc. that sometimes you have to spend money to make money. Case in…