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Why CIOs Struggle to Become More Strategic
CIOs like to say IT has gone from commoditized utility to strategic function within their organizations, but too many of…
Doubts Raised About CIOs` Strategic Importance
IT plays a major role in a company’s strategic success, but CIOs are rarely involved in plotting that strategy. That’s…
Age Determines Technology’s Value
Look at a PC and what do you see? Many baby boomers and older members of Generation X are conscious…
Pressures Mount on CIOs to Deliver All the Time
It’s not a good feeling when the first voicemail you get on a Monday morning is from your CEO; he…
Just Because It’s Legal Doesn’t Make It Right
If you needed proof that the regulations put in place under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act are no guarantee against financial chicanery…
People-Powered Search?
Jason Calacanis earned a nice payday by applying old-school standards to the new world of blogs, selling Weblogs Inc., his…
Only ‘Knuckleheads’ Think IT Isn’t a Differentiator
Is IT becoming less important? No way: Technology hasn’t been this strategic since the dot-com boom of the 1990s. That’s…
Future of IT: Why Tech Managers Will Need Sharper Skills
The IT organization is changing–so much so that, soon enough, it may be unrecognizable. A number of factors in play…
IT`s Role in Transforming the Enterprise