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Why Retaining IT Executives Matters
Businesses usually shed talent to reduce overhead during an economic slowdown. Despite the subsequent infusion of talent into the employment…
The Human Factor of Corporate Spying
Every few days, Richard would seek out Sally, a twentysomething salesclerk at a retail outlet of a telecommunications conglomerate. When…
Mobility Boosts Worker Productivity, Customer Service
Mobility isn’t what it used to be. Once a tool reserved for executives and outside salespeople. mobile devices are now…
Indian IT Pros Favor Home Over U.S.
Despite talk of the playing field leveling as rising labor costs in India are undercut by the cheap production costs,…
IT Disaster in the Making
It’s likely that your company is not well-prepared for an IT disaster–and doesn’t view IT disasters as business continuity crises.…
The Green IT Payoff
Peter Senge’s The Fifth Discipline popularized the idea of the learning organization. His new book, written with Bryan Smith, Nina…
Everything Old Is New Again
After 23 years as a reporter–not to mention 19 years of marriage–I’ve learned to resist the impulse to shout “You’re…