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A Tale of Two Cultures
Information technology has traditionally been a male-dominated field with an insular culture, but it is also a global business in…
For CIOs, An Uphill Climb to Diversity
Outsourcing a health-plan service center to India provided the expected business benefits to the CIO of one Fortune 500 company.…
CIOs Should Expand Telecommuting
Soaring fuel prices that take an increasing bite out of employees’ wallets should prompt more enterprises to allow workers to…
‘New’ Software Creates Licensing Problems
In a famous 1882 experiment, researchers found that if you placed a live frog in water and then raised the…
Consulting to In-House: Does It Pay?
After 20-plus years as a consultant, I moved into a corporate job and was surprised to find that many of…
Net Politics Grows Up
Technotopianism was in short supply at this year’s Personal Democracy Forum. That was a good thing. The annual conference on…
Green IT Gains Momentum
Research from Cutter Consortium’s Benchmark Review shows that momentum is growing for green IT at firms that don’t yet have…
Tech’s Next Global Challenge
Corporate America, beware: They’re coming. Previously known as members of the Third World, handfuls of developing economies are turning the…
Computer Jobs Hit Record High
The size of the IT workforce in the United States has topped 4 million workers for the first time last…