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Do`s and Don`ts of IT Staffing During a Recession
Carl Gilchrist, who leads the North American Information Officer Practice for executive search firm Spencer Stuart, has seen his share…
Retention: Your Most Important Recruitment Activity?
With the hiring market such a potential minefield of unknown risks, many CIOs are finding that one of their best…
Finding IT`s Business Value
In a recent Forrester survey, only 15 percent of IT leaders declared themselves to be fully aligned with the business.…
Top CIOs on CEOs, IT Buying
CIO Insight: How do CIOs build a strong relationship with C-level executives? Trisha Rozas, CIO, Guy Carpenter Over the years,…
CIOs in the Era of Doing More with Less
A year ago, no one really knew exactly how down the downturn would get. CIOs and their executive peers rightly…
CIO Vincent Cirel: Partnering for Success
There’s been a kind of sudden dawn in the boardroom over the last year or two: CEOs and CIO peers…
CIO Cora Carmody: Finding Cost-Savings Opportunities
As a CIO, it’s easy to get lulled into recession depression and think, “My only job is cutting costs.” But…
Schering-Plough CIO on Employee Training
In this economic environment, CIOs walk a tightrope in balancing long-term priorities with the pressing concerns of the business. Karl…
IT, Remodeled
In IT Savvy, Peter Weill and Jeanne W. Ross deliver some bad news to non-IT leaders who like to chastise…