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Hospira CIO`s Healthy Passion for IT
Plenty of CIOs have pursued IT careers for the “right” reasons. But it’s rare that you come across a CIO…
The CIO as an Engineer of Revenue
How can it keep on doing more with less? Think about this: Cutting business costs or becoming more efficient with…
Salesforce.com’s Chatter: More Than a Social Collaboration Platform
As of June 22, more than 6,000 customers had switched on Chatter as part of their suite of Salesforce.com customer…
10 Reasons Why Google Is the Only Company That Can Overcome Apple
News Analysis: Google is an extremely powerful company. But so far, it’s being overshadowed by Apple. As time goes on,…
Gartner Says Companies Taking Bad IT Habits into Cloud
SAAS applications are becoming a more substantial part of many companies’ IT infrastructure, according to a new research note by…
Adobe Systems Plans to Patch Security Vulnerability this Week
Adobe is readying a fix for a security bug being targeted by attackers. A patch addressing the issue on Windows,…
Study Finds Rate Hikes Will Cost Small Businesses in 2010
Cost-conscious businesses are feeling the credit crunch on all levels, but particularly in regard to credit card rates, which remain…