Why a Total Communications Strategy Makes Sense

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Why a Total Communications Strategy Makes Sense

Why a Total Communications Strategy Makes SenseWhy a Total Communications Strategy Makes Sense

A total communications strategy can help address business priorities centered on driving innovation and developing mobile- and cloud-based IT solutions.

Top Reasons For One Service ProviderTop Reasons For One Service Provider

59% of IT decision-makers are looking for cost savings, 53% want to increase employee productivity, 49% need more control and better application performance, 43% demand greater flexibility when they switch to a single provider

Appeal of a Total Communications StrategyAppeal of a Total Communications Strategy

75% U.S. IT decision-makers interested in telecommunications said they are open to switching from their existing provider to help fill the gaps in their current package.

What Decision-Makers Want From One ProviderWhat Decision-Makers Want From One Provider

Asked what they want from one communications provider, 69% of IT decision-makers want new services available faster. 69% want their provider to deliver on promises.

The Need to Be UnderstoodThe Need to Be Understood

61% of respondents seek a provider that understands the complexity of their business.

Customer SatisfactionCustomer Satisfaction

Asked whether customer satisfaction is enough, 80% of respondents said customer experience is paramount when choosing a communications provider.

Dissatisfaction With Current SuppliersDissatisfaction With Current Suppliers

Only 24% of respondents said they are happy with their existing communications suppliers.

Top IT Communications InvestmentsTop IT Communications Investments

63% of respondents consider security and compliance their single biggest business priority.

Upgrading IT Infrastructure a PriorityUpgrading IT Infrastructure a Priority

86% of respondents consider developing and upgrading their IT infrastructure as their greatest business priority.

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