What IT Leaders Seek From Windows 10

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What IT Leaders Seek From Windows 10

What IT Leaders Seek From Windows 10What IT Leaders Seek From Windows 10

By Dennis McCafferty

Building BuzzBuilding Buzz

96% of surveyed CIOs, IT decision-makers and tech pros are interested in Windows 10, and 63% are more likely to adopt it due to a free upgrade.

Thorough ExamThorough Exam

60% of those surveyed said their IT departments have either already tested or are actively testing the new operating system.

Welcome Back!Welcome Back!

64% are interested in the return of the “Start” button, compared to just 8% who are interested in the Continuum feature.

Top Factors Driving New OS AdoptionTop Factors Driving New OS Adoption

End of life/support: 66%, Software requirements/compatibility: 60%, New features/functions: 49%, Security requirements: 41%, User demand: 23%

Layered AdoptionLayered Adoption

40% said their companies plan to roll out Windows 10 within the first year, and 33% said their organizations will do so within two years.

Lucky Seven, Part ILucky Seven, Part I

94% said their companies are running Windows 7 today.

Lucky Seven, Part IILucky Seven, Part II

On average, Windows 7 is running on 77% of organizations’ laptops and desktops, followed by Windows 8/8.1 (18%), Windows XP (14%) and Mac OS (10%).

Mobile ToolsMobile Tools

81% of survey respondents said iOS mobile devices are running within their enterprise, and 77% say Android-based devices are.

Encouraging ReceptionEncouraging Reception

25% have a “very positive” impression of Microsoft’s new browser, Edge, while only 4% have a “very negative” impression. (Nearly half don’t know enough about it to have an opinion, and the rest are maintaining a neutral position for now.)

Biggest Concerns About Windows 10Biggest Concerns About Windows 10

Hardware/software compatibility: 79%, Early release bugs: 65%, User training: 59%, Lack of third-party support: 51%, Time needed to complete upgrade process: 43%

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