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IT Spending 2004: Are You Spending Enough?
2.2% the percentage IT budgets have increased over 2003 68% of IT executives expect to receive authority to go over…
The Future of IT 2004
To download results,click here. 72% of CIOs cite improved customer service as this year’s top business priority 72% say spending…
C-Meter: January 2004
This month’s Confidence Meter survey recorded its highest scores ever. IT executives are more optimistic about the prospects for the…
C-Meter: December 2003
Perhaps the most important economic news of 2003 was the announcement on Oct. 30 that the U.S. gross domestic product…
Research: Vendor Value 2003
When IT professionals go shopping, they check how competing IT products compare with one another. But when CIOs buy equipment,…
Research: Vendor Value 2003 – Methodology
What does the survey measure? CIO Insight’s 2003 Vendor Value Survey measures how IT executives generally perceive the value of…
Research: How Does IT Funding Affect Alignment?
The results are available in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. To download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in, click here. How…
Outsourcing 2003: How Well Are You Managing Your Partners?
The results are available in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. To download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in, click here. To…
C-Meter: November 2003
This month’s Confidence Meter poll reached a milestone: IT executives are more optimistic about their own companies’ economic situation than…
C-Meter: October 2003
While jobs continued to be lost during the jobless recovery, other positive economic news helped to slightly boost this month’s…