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CIOs: Crisis of Confidence
It sounds a little dry, the Bain & Co. “Management Tools and Trends 2005” survey, but behind the numbers lurks…
Is Automating Compliance a Waste of Money?
On April 13, William H. Donaldson, chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, held a roundtable to discuss the implementation…
The Changing Role of the CIO
26% of CIOs spent half their career in IT and half outside of IT 55% say contributing to corporate strategy…
Job Loss Is Real, So Don’t Dodge the Issue
Businesspeople are driven not just by money and achievement, but by fear—fear of failure, of losing power, of appearing incompetent.…
Is Your IT Budget Being Spent Effectively?
63% of IT spending is nondiscretionary 87% say their executive teams feel IT spending is at appropriate levels 16% increase…
Research: Vendor Value 2004 – Methodology
What does the survey measure? CIO Insight’s 2004 Vendor Value Survey measures how U.S.- and Canada-based IT executives generally perceive…
2005: The Year of Growing Carefully
The recession is over, the economy is improving, IT spending is increasing, and IT hiring is rebounding. When this combination…
Are Your Vendors Providing More Value?
You give your staff a year-end review, so why not your vendors? Once more, we’ve given you a head start…
The IT Organization
The IT Organization: Why Is IT Morale So Bad?
59% of CIOs expect the number of IT employees at their companies to increase 51% say IT staffing levels are…